import pandas as pd
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Audio
from dataset import AudioUtils
from utils import plot_label_distribution, plot_audio_waveform, plot_audio_spectogram
DATA_PATH = 'data'
METADATA_FILE = 'data/metadata_compiled.csv'
metadata_df = pd.read_csv(METADATA_FILE)
sample_count = metadata_df.shape[0]
labbled_count = metadata_df[metadata_df['status'].notna()].shape[0]
unlabelled_count = metadata_df[metadata_df['status'].isna()].shape[0]
print(f'Dataset contains {sample_count} samples in total. However out of those only {labbled_count} are labeled and {unlabelled_count} are unlabeled.')
Dataset contains 27550 samples in total. However out of those only 16224 are labeled and 11326 are unlabeled.
print('Columns in metadata file:', len(metadata_df.columns))
Columns in metadata file: 51
Index(['uuid', 'datetime', 'cough_detected', 'SNR', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'age', 'gender', 'respiratory_condition', 'fever_muscle_pain', 'status', 'quality_1', 'cough_type_1', 'dyspnea_1', 'wheezing_1', 'stridor_1', 'choking_1', 'congestion_1', 'nothing_1', 'diagnosis_1', 'severity_1', 'quality_2', 'cough_type_2', 'dyspnea_2', 'wheezing_2', 'stridor_2', 'choking_2', 'congestion_2', 'nothing_2', 'diagnosis_2', 'severity_2', 'quality_3', 'cough_type_3', 'dyspnea_3', 'wheezing_3', 'stridor_3', 'choking_3', 'congestion_3', 'nothing_3', 'diagnosis_3', 'severity_3', 'quality_4', 'cough_type_4', 'dyspnea_4', 'wheezing_4', 'stridor_4', 'choking_4', 'congestion_4', 'nothing_4', 'diagnosis_4', 'severity_4'], dtype='object')
From the 51 columns we only focused on the status
column. We can see that there are 3 classes (healthy
, symptomatic
and COVID-19
) in the dataset.
healthy 12479 symptomatic 2590 COVID-19 1155 Name: status, dtype: int64
The number of images per class is shown in the histogram below.
plot_label_distribution(metadata_df['status'].value_counts(), title='Distribution of samples in dataset')
healty_sample_uuid = random.choice(metadata_df[metadata_df['status'] == 'healthy']['uuid'].to_list())
signal, sample_rate, info = AudioUtils.load_audio_file(healty_sample_uuid, DATA_PATH)
print(f'Loaded sample with sample rate {sample_rate} Hz and duration {info.num_frames / info.sample_rate:.2f} seconds.')
plot_audio_waveform(signal, sample_rate, title='Audio waveform of healthy sample')
Audio(signal, rate=sample_rate, embed=True)
Loaded sample with sample rate 48000 Hz and duration 8.70 seconds.
symptomatic_sample_uuid = random.choice(metadata_df[metadata_df['status'] == 'symptomatic']['uuid'].to_list())
signal, sample_rate, info = AudioUtils.load_audio_file(symptomatic_sample_uuid, DATA_PATH)
print(f'Loaded sample with sample rate {sample_rate} Hz and duration {info.num_frames / info.sample_rate:.2f} seconds.')
plot_audio_waveform(signal, sample_rate, title='Audio waveform of symptomatic sample')
Audio(signal, rate=sample_rate, embed=True)
Loaded sample with sample rate 48000 Hz and duration 5.70 seconds.
covid_sample_uuid = random.choice(metadata_df[metadata_df['status'] == 'COVID-19']['uuid'].to_list())
signal, sample_rate, info = AudioUtils.load_audio_file(covid_sample_uuid, DATA_PATH)
print(f'Loaded sample with sample rate {sample_rate} Hz and duration {info.num_frames / info.sample_rate:.2f} seconds.')
plot_audio_waveform(signal, sample_rate, title='Audio waveform of COVID-19 sample')
Audio(signal, rate=sample_rate, embed=True)
Loaded sample with sample rate 48000 Hz and duration 9.90 seconds.
The data-set distribution is unequal for the three different classes as there is a significantly greater amount of healthy data points than with covid and symptomatic. This could potentially affect the training of the classifier and skew the rewards towards detecting healthy more often than it should.
During the training, we selected the samples where the status value was labeled by a professional manually and set a threshold for the cough detected value. During the training, we tried different threshold values from 0.6
to 0.9
. We kept all three status labels healthy
, symptomatic
, and COVID-19
. (You can see the distribution of the labels in the histogram below.)
Because of the high percentage of healthy
labels in the dataset, most of our models overfitted for the healthy
label and only predicted healthy
labels. That is why we always got ~75%
accuracy which is the same amount as the healthy
labels in the dataset.
We reduced the number of healthy
and symptomatic
labels to equalize the number of the samples by the class to avoid predicting only healthy
labels. However if we were to just equalize across all classes we would only have around ¬700 samples available for each class for training, testing and validation which is why we implemented some data augumentation which can be seen in the augmentation appendix.
filtered_df = metadata_df[metadata_df['cough_detected'] > COUGH_DETECTED_THRESHOLD]
plot_label_distribution(filtered_df['status'].value_counts(), title='Distribution of samples in dataset')
covid_samples_count = filtered_df[filtered_df['status'] == 'COVID-19'].shape[0]
equalized_df = pd.concat([
filtered_df[filtered_df['status'] == 'healthy'].sample(n=covid_samples_count, random_state=42),
filtered_df[filtered_df['status'] == 'symptomatic'].sample(n=covid_samples_count, random_state=42),
filtered_df[filtered_df['status'] == 'COVID-19'],
healthy 756 symptomatic 756 COVID-19 756 Name: status, dtype: int64
After the equalization, we got the following distribution of the labels.
plot_label_distribution(equalized_df['status'].value_counts(), title='Distribution of samples in dataset')
We used spectrogram augmentation techniques to increase the number of samples in the dataset. We used spectrogram masking both in the time and frequency domain, and we used pitch shifting. We tried different values for the mask values and the pitch shift values. We also tried different combinations of the augmentation techniques.
Data augmentation techniques like these are useful when the dataset is small and we want to increase the number of samples. We used these techniques to increase the number of samples in the dataset, so we could equlize the number of samples across the classes.
By training the model on data with frequency and time variations, frequency and time masking can help the model to learn more robust features that are less susceptible to noise and variations in the input data. Pitch shifting can help the model to learn more robust features that are less susceptible to noise and variations in the input data.
LENGTH = 10.0
signal, sample_rate, info = AudioUtils.load_audio_file(covid_sample_uuid, DATA_PATH)
signal = AudioUtils.resample(signal, sample_rate, target_sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE)
signal = AudioUtils.rechannel(signal, channels=1)
signal = AudioUtils.resize(signal, duration=LENGTH, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE)
print(f'Signal shape: {signal.shape}')
Signal shape: torch.Size([1, 160000])
NUM_FFTS = 1024
spectrogram = AudioUtils.get_spectrogram(signal, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, n_mels=NUM_MEL_BINS, n_fft=NUM_FFTS)
print(f'Spectrogram shape: {spectrogram.shape}')
plot_audio_spectogram(spectrogram, LENGTH, title='Spectrogram of healthy sample (dB)')
Spectrogram shape: torch.Size([1, 64, 313])
of the spectrogram¶N_FREQ_MASKS = 3
masked_spectrogram = AudioUtils.spectrogram_masking(spectrogram, n_freq_masks=N_FREQ_MASKS, n_time_masks=N_TIME_MASKS, masking_val=MASKING_VAL)
plot_audio_spectogram(masked_spectrogram, LENGTH, title='Augmented spectrogram of healthy sample (dB)')
of the spectrogram¶N_FREQ_MASKS = 3
MASKING_VAL = 'mean'
masked_spectrogram = AudioUtils.spectrogram_masking(spectrogram, n_freq_masks=N_FREQ_MASKS, n_time_masks=N_TIME_MASKS, masking_val=MASKING_VAL)
plot_audio_spectogram(masked_spectrogram, LENGTH, title='Augmented spectrogram of healthy sample (dB)')
pitched_signal = AudioUtils.signal_pitch_shift(signal, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, pitch_max_value=PITCH_SHIFT_MAX_VALUE)
pitched_spectrogram = AudioUtils.get_spectrogram(pitched_signal, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, n_mels=NUM_MEL_BINS, n_fft=NUM_FFTS)
plot_audio_spectogram(pitched_spectrogram, LENGTH, title='Augmented spectrogram of healthy sample (dB)')
combined_singal = AudioUtils.signal_pitch_shift(signal, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, pitch_max_value=PITCH_SHIFT_MAX_VALUE)
combined_spectrogram = AudioUtils.get_spectrogram(combined_singal, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, n_mels=NUM_MEL_BINS, n_fft=NUM_FFTS)
combined_spectrogram = AudioUtils.spectrogram_masking(combined_spectrogram, n_freq_masks=N_FREQ_MASKS, n_time_masks=N_TIME_MASKS, masking_val=MASKING_VAL)
plot_audio_spectogram(combined_spectrogram, LENGTH, title='Augmented spectrogram of healthy sample (dB)')
After the data augumentation we ended up with '4536' samples or '1512' samples per class.